Thursday 5 December 2013

Blog 1 - The One Thing I do everyday

Blog 1
The one thing I do everyday.

Okay so the second blog on this '40 blogs challenge' is the one thing I do everyday. So even though I do a lot of things everyday the most creative/different one I can think of is that I do something productive.
The one thing I do everyday is be productive.

I have a tendency to get bored easily and my brain switches off and I am quite impatient at times, so to keep myself occupied I always do something productive at least once a day. Usually it is clearing out my room, creating/designing cards or writing a blog or diary entry. Other days where I don't have time as I have work I make myself challenges  such a making a certain amount of tips at work or doing a Sudoku puzzle to keep my brain busy. This stops me from getting bored and also makes me feel like I have done something accomplishing throughout the day.

So the one thing I do everyday Is be productive!

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