Wednesday 4 December 2013

40 Blogs in 40 days

I have recently wanted to broaden my horizons and blog about things other than fashion, and card-making so I searched for things to blog about online and I got a few tips. I found a few websites which gave me blog ideas and so I have decided to set myself a challenge of 40 blogs in 40 days and I am going to cover all of the blog ideas that I am interested in on these websites.
So here are the 40 topics.
 The menu for your last meal ever
·         The one thing I do everyday
        3 books you need to read 
·         The coolest thing I found on Google
·         Cover story dreams
·         A turning point
·         Thoughts winter brings to mind
·         Technology I can’t live without
·         What I wish they would invent
·         How I overcome challenges
·         Top 3 YouTube videos
·         The one thing I wish I’d known before…
·         If space travel were here today
·         My favourite quotes
·         Inspired creations
·         How to know you’re on the right path
·         What technology will be like in  10 years
·         Write a review on anything
·         Something from your past
·         Bad habits
·         My love affair with..
·         Fashion: your top 5 items
·         Top 5 movies
·         Something I could never give up
·         The once place in the world I want to go too
·         If I won the lottery what would I do
·         Dreaming big enough?
·         One person im glad I met
·         If  I were my mother I would tell myself
·         If I could interview someone dead
·         The hardest thing you've been through
        My bad habit 
·         9 things you just cant handle
·         The most difficult decision you ever made
·         Celebrity dinner, who would you invite
·         My favorite thing to do
·         An embarrassing moment
·         What makes you fall in love
        Why I blog 

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