Friday, 27 December 2013

Weight concerns...

Weight blog
Ok so im doing this post about my weight, or should i say my lack of weight and why i am always this way.
This post isn't to make people feel sorry for me or to make other girls jealous, it is to show people that not every girl that is abnormally skinny has an eating disorder and not everyone wants to be stick thin.

Ever since I can remember I have been tiny. Small in height, small in shoes size, small in weight; pretty
Much just small in everything. Growing up my nickname was Minnie or titch as I was so small and my family always used to say, when you turn 11 or 12 you will put on weight, your brother filled out at that age. However when I finally got to that age, nothing happened.

Through secondary school I wasn't bullied for my weight but I was called anorexic* and bulimic* on the rare occasion! This didn't bother me that much because I knew it wasn't true, what was more hurtful was the fact I couldn't come back with an answer that would make these bullies stop thinking it, because I didn't know what the answer was myself. I was skinny, too skinny and I ate quite a bit for Someone my size, but I couldn't explain why I was the way I was.

The most weight I have ever been Is 7st but that was only for about a month and then I lost it again. My weight is pretty much opposite to most other people's in the sense I can drop weight at the click of a finger yet It will take me a long time to put on weight, and when it goes on all it takes is a little tiny illness or smaller amount of food and my weight will decrease again!

So why does this happen to me?

Until I was 17 no one knew. I had blood test after blood test which stressed me out even more as I hate the thought of losing blood, silly I know. I had prescription drugs coming out of my ears, you name it, I was on it, and I was diagnosed with anaemia, diabetes, bulimia! Again... You name it I was at some point diagnosed with it... But they were wrong.

One day I felt so unwell mum took me to hospital and finally I had loads of tests done on my body and they found out I had high calcium levels.
My calcium levels were the highest they had recorded in a young person for years. This meant I had to have a gland in my throat, the parathyroid gland, taken out as it was containing too much calcium.

Finally, after a month I had the operation and it went all o.k. Also I started to get more colour in my face and put on gradual weight. I went straight up to 7 stone from 6 in a month and managed to keep it for a while. I could eat without throwing up and I could actually enjoy food and the feeling of being full. It felt amazing.

To this day, I am so happy that I had that operation and that I don't have to deal with the symptoms of being sick and being so skinny anymore. I won't have to explain to people why I look so unwell without having a
Explanation as to why I look like that. I don't miss that at all.

I will always be small I think, I will never be massive but I look a healthier size than i did before hand. I am small frames anyway so luckily it suits my size, and I have filled out a little bit. The only thing I know have to deal with is when people don't believe that I eat a lot. But when they get to know me they realise I eat as much as the next person it just takes time for my body to gain weight.

I believe my story proves that just because one person is skinnier than another, it doesn't make them prettier, it doesn't make them healthier and it certainly doesn't make them more happy. Everyone has their own body and their own size and as long as they love it and are confident then other people will too.

It also proves that when someone Is underweight, it doesn't mean they always want to be that way. Just because someone is small doesn't mean they are anorexic, bulimic or are on strict diets. It could naturally just be the way they are. Just like overweight people may just have a condition or symptoms which makes them this way. Not everyone can control their health and their body size .

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